Marie-Pierre ISAURE Bio-Geochemist/ Environmental Mineralogist Maître de conférences en Géosciences (Associate professor in Geosciences) Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA) Institut des Sciences Analytiques et de Physico-chimie
pour l'Environnement et les Matériaux (IPREM) - UMR
5254 UPPA, Hélioparc, 2 Avenue Pierre Angot 64053 PAU Cedex 9 France E-mail: marie-pierre.isaure at univ-pau.fr Phone 33 (0)5 40 17 50
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Research interests
techniques: synchrotron µ/nano X-ray fluorescence, STXM, fCMT, electron microscopy, µPIXE, NanoSIMS
Spectroscopy: EXAFS, XANES, µEXAFS, µXANES,
Diffraction: XRD, µXRD
Links: European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF, Grenoble), Soleil
Synchrotron (Soleil,
Research projects - involvement and coordination
ANR JCJC Phymet (2010-2014):
Phytoextraction of metals in contaminated soils: transfer and sequestration of
cadmium and zinc in the hyperaccumulating plant Arabidopsis halleri (Coordination: MP Isaure)
ANR CES Symétal (2010-2015):
Rhizostabilisation of highly heavy metal contaminated
mine spoils by using metallicolous plants associated
with microbial symbionts (Coordination: JC Cleyet-Marel,
LSTM Montpellier)
ANR Blanc Subcelif
(2012-2016): Intracellular iron distribution in plants, chemical speciation and
new functions (Coordination: S Mari, BPMP Montpellier)
EC2CO ECODYN, MéthyMer (2016-2017): Méthylation du
mercure à l'échelle celllulaire chez les bactéries sulfato-réductrices (Coordination: MP Isaure)
PHYTOMET (2016-2020): Phytoplankton metallomics: effect of ocean acidification on iron bioavailability (Coordination: E Lesuisse,
Institut Jacques Monod Paris)
EC2CO ECODYN, Cadmigrain (2017-2019): Le cadmium dans
le grain de blé dur : origine, localisation et impact sur les qualités
germinatives (Coordination: JY Cornu, INRA Bordeaux)
and 2022-2026): Recherche sur l’Impact des Nouveaux
Gaz dans les Stockages (Coordination: P Cezac/A Ranchou-Peyruse, UPPA)
E2S-UPPA Key Scientific Challenges, GO-Beam
(2018-2022) : Go inside a bacterial cell methylating mercury
(Coordination: MP Isaure)
ANR PRC DEFIMAN (2020-2025): Molecular bases of plant
adaptation to manganese deficiency (Coordination: C Curie, BPMP Montpellier)E
ANR PRC SynneMetals
(2021- 2025): Actinosynnema: deciphering the mechanisms
of long-distance metal transport in bacteria (Coordination: P Arnoux, BIAM Aix-Marseille-
ANR PRC Micromer
(2022-2026): Mercury methylation by microorganisms: from cell to environment
(Coordination: M Goñi-Urriza, UPPA)
(2022-2027): Breeding for Safe Wheat: genetic markers and ecophysiological traits for breeding wheats that accumulate
less inorganic contaminants (Coordination: C Nguyen,
ISPA Bordeaux)
France And Chicago Collaborating in The
Sciences (2022-2024): Nano X-IIIGHT (Co-PI : Si Chen,
Argonne National Laboratory, US and MP Isaure, UPPA).
International network, Scientific animation,
International Research Network - GDRI CNRS - Locomet (2012-2016): Transport, localization and
complexation of metals in hyperaccumulating plants (Coordination :
H Frérot, GEPV Lille)
Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (24th edition, 27-31 october 2014, Pau, http://rst2014-pau.sciencesconf.org): Co-organization of the thematic ‘Biogeosciences
and Environment’, Co-organization of the session ‘Speciation and dynamics of
metals in soils, interactions with microorganisms’.
Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST): PlantMetals
- Trace metal metabolism in plants (2020-2024): https://plantmetals.eu
(Coordination: H Kupper, Czeck
Academic of Science, Ceske Budejovice)
fellowship (2022): Guest Faculty Research
at Argonne National Laboratory, Advanced Photon Source, USA (March-September
PhD students and post-docs
Stéphanie Huguet (Post-doc 2011-2013)
Florent Penen (PhD student
Marine Albertelli (PhD
student 2014-2017)
Sophie Barrouilhet (PhD
student 2018-2021)
Maureen Le
Bars (Post-doc 2019-2022)
Ikram Bakour (PhD student
Malfaisan (PhD student 2021-2024)
Antoine Le Gohalen
(PhD student 2022-2025)
Publications (List)
Teaching (List)
Curriculum vitae (CV)